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St Ann's School

                                                                                  St. Ann’s Convent School


The Sisters of St. Ann were among the earliest pioneers of the Cowichan Valley.  In 1863 Mother Mary Providence and Sister Mary Bonsecours came to Cowichan by canoe and chose a site at the foot of Mt. Tzouhalem.  The Sisters paid $400 to the government for the 400 acres site.


St. Ann’s Convent School began as a boarding school for First Nations girls in 1864.  The two-storied log building, 50 feet by 30 feet, complete with a chapel, was constructed by Father Peter Rondeault.  In 1875 it became a day school for orphaned girls only.  In 1876 a third story and new chapel were added, and the first classroom, dormitory and chapel were converted to a gymnasium.  In 1904 the school became a boarding school for boys. 


A new two-story mansard building with dormitories and three classrooms on the second floor was built in 1921.  This building still stands today.  The previous building was given over to use of the farm hands.  

In 1950 girls were enrolled as day students.  The boarding school for boys was discontinued in 1956 when the school became a day school only for both boys and girls. The school closed permanently at the end of June 1964.


In 1979 the Sisters of St. Ann partnered with the Vancouver Island Providence Community Association by providing the land and buildings for a shared vision of community service – Providence Farm.  In September 2009 at the celebration of Providence Farm’s 30th anniversary, the Sisters of St. Ann formerly transferred the title of Providence Farm to the Association.

St. Ann's School.1864-2.jpg

St. Ann's School 1864

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                            St. Ann's 1921

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St.Ann's 1940/1941

Class photo St.Anne's school Grades 5-8,

St. Ann's School 1955 - Grades 5-8

Teacher: Sister Mary  Lambert

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St.Ann's School - 1958 Grades 5-6

Teacher: Unknown


St. Ann's School 1959 - Grade 2

Teacher: Unknown

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St.Ann's School 1961 - Grade 1

Teacher: Unknown


St.Ann's School - 1963 Grades 5-6

Teacher: Miss Rossman


St.Ann's School - 1964 Grades 5-6

Teacher: Unknown

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WEB MASTER:     CEC ASHLEY                                                                         PHONE :  250-714-6756







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