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Camp 3 was a thriving logging community when the three room school was built there in 1937. One of its long time teachers was Mrs. Emily Garnett. The school was torn down in 1976. The original site can be seen at Kissinger Lake Campsite, west of Youbou.
Camp 3, later Nitinat, as it looked in November 1941. The school is the white multi-windowed building on the upper right side of the photo.
Nitinat School taken in 1967. North side after updating from 2 buildings to 1.
Nitinat School Circa 1955
Teacher: Miss. Kate Smith 4th from left
Nitinat School1964 1965 Grades 1-7
Teacher: Mrs Emily Garnett
Nitinat School 1967-1968
Primary Class
Teacher: Mrs. V. Wenstob
Nitinat School 1970-1971
Grades 4-6
Teacher: Mr. Norbert Beatch
Nitinat School 1971 1972 Grades 1-3
Teacher: Mrs. Emily Garnett
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