The first publicly constructed school in the Cowichan Valley was built in 1870 on Herd Road directly opposite the north end of Lakes Road. First known as North Cowichan School and later as Maple Bay School, it finally closed in 1918. No structure remains. The school was located at what is now 2959 Herd Road.
Maple Bay School 1905
This four room school opened in 1961 with 161 students in grades 1 to 7. Two more classrooms and a gymnasium were added in 1963. The school closed in 2000 and the property sold. The former school can be found at 6759 Considine Road in Maple Bay.
Maple Bay School 1961 - 1962
Grades 6 & 7
Teacher: Mr. Gerard Watson
Maple Bay school 1961-1962 Div. 2
Grades 4 & 5
Teacher: Miss Margaret Roome
(later de Weese)
Maple Bay School 1962-1963 Staff photo
Back row l .to r. - Mr. Gerard Watson, Mr. Monte Engleson
Front row l. to r. - Mrs. Patricia Pritchard, Mrs. Margaret Southern, Miss Sylvia Wedman (later Richardson)
Maple Bay 1962-1963 Grades 5 & 6 Division 2
Teacher: Mr. Paul Butterworth
Maple Bay School 1962-1963
Division 3
Teacher: Mrs. Patricia Pritchard
Maple Bay 1963 - 1964
Division 1, Grades 6 & 7
Teacher: Mr. Gerard Watson
Maple Bay 1964 - 1965 , Division 1,
Grades 6 & 7
Teacher: Mr. Gerard Watson
Maple Bay School 1964-1965 Division 2
Teacher: Mr. D. Sloan
Maple Bay School 1965-1966
Division 1
Teacher: Mr. Gerard Watson
Maple Bay school 1965-1966 Division 2
Teacher: Mr. Monte Engleson
Maple Bay School 1965 - 1966 Staff photo
Back row l. to r. - Mrs. Sharon Reynolds, Mr.Monte
Engleson, Mrs. Sylvia Abram.
Front row: l. to r. Mrs. Marjorie Southern, Mr. Gerard Watson, Mrs. Celia Abram
Maple Bay School 1965 - 1966
Division 5
Teacher: Mrs. Sylvia Richardson
Maple Bay School 1965 - 1966
Division 6
Teacher: Mrs. Marjorie Southern
Maple Bay School 1966 -1967
Staff photo
Back row l. to r. - Mrs. Anne Rashleigh, Mr. Monte Engleson, Mrs. Pauline Skolos.
Front row l. to r. - Mrs. Celia Abram, Mr. Gerard Watson, Mrs. Marjorie Southern.
Maple Bay School 1966 - 1967
Division 5, Grade 1
Teacher: Mrs. Anne Rashleigh
Maple Bay 1969 - 1970
Division 2
Teacher: Unknown
Maple Bay 1970 - 1971
Division 1
Teacher: Unknown
Maple Bay school 1974-1975
Division 1
Teacher: Unknown
Maple Bay school 1985-1986 Grade 2
Teacher: Mrs. Sylvia Richardson (on right)
Maple Bay school 1985-1986
Grades 4 & 5
Teacher: Mr. E. Maurice Richardson (on right)