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Palsson School - Construction of the 7-room elementary school was completed in the early months of 1977 and officially opened on May 14, 1977.   The school was named Palsson Elementary to honour Mr. A. Oscar Palsson and his wife, Lucille, noted long time educators.  Oscar Palsson had taught in the Lake Cowichan School District from May 1, 1946 to June 30, 1975, and Lucille from September 3, 1957 to June 30, 1975.  The first principal of Palsson Elementary was Mr. Amato Fantillo, with a staff of six teachers.  Palsson School continues to be in operation today.

Palsson Elementary School (building view
Palsson School.Staff4.jpg

                                                                                  Palsson School Staff:


From bottom left seated:  Mr. Mike Ward, Mrs. Elaine Perry, Mr Amato Fantillo (principal)  Mrs. Carris Davis.

Top row from left: Mr. Greg Murray, Mrs. Doretta Davis, Mr. Popovitch, Mrs. Lorraine Lloyd, Mr. Harold Ratai, Mrs. Astrid Notte,  Miss Susan Pye

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                                                                            Palsson School Staff:  1977


Seated from left: Mr. John Prieger, Mr. Amato, Fantillo, Mr. Roy Davidson.

Back row from left: Mrs. Vivian Dams, Mrs. Astrid Notte, Mrs. Marilyn Traer, Mrs. Lynn Phye, Mrs. Lillian Marwood.

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                                                           Palsson School Staff photo : circa 1978

Bottom seated from left:  Barb Howarth,  Mrs Marilyn Traer, Amato Fantillo (principal), Mrs. Astrid Notte, Vivian Dams.

Top Row from left: Mrs. Freda Blunt, Mr. Roy Davidson, Isobel Cooper, Mr. John Prieger

Palsson School.Staff3.jpg

                                                                         Palsson School Staff: 1980 - 1981

Seated from left:   Mrs. Notey, Mr. Cam Mc Cormick, Mr. Amato Fantillo (principal), Mr. John Prieger,  Miss. Susan Pye.

Back row from left:   Mrs. Muriel St. Cyr, Mrs. Marilyn Traer, Mrs. Lillian Marwood, Mrs. Lorraine Lloyd, Mrs. Dot Dalman, Mrs. Freda Blunt, Mrs. Carris Davies.

Palsson School.1985-1986.Grade 2.Mrs. As

Palsson School, Grade 2.  1985 - 1986

Teacher: Mrs. Astrid Notte (formerly Clarke)

Palsson School 1992 - 1993 Grades 3 & 4

Teacher: Mrs. Astrid Notte (formerly Clarke)

Palsson School.1993-1994.Grade 2 & 3.Mrs

Palsson School 1993 - 1994 Grades 2 & 3

Teacher: Mrs. Astrid Notte (formerly Clarke)

Palsson School 1994 - 1995 Staff Photo

Palsson School.1994-1995.Staff.jpg
Palsson School.1995-1996.Grades 2 & 3.Mr

Palsson School 1995 - 1996 Grades 2 & 3

Teacher: Mrs. Astrid Notte (formerly Clarke)

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                                                                                      Palsson School Staff 1996:

Seated from left:   Mr. Greg Murray, Mrs. Annie Hall, Mrs. Astrid Notte, Mr. John Clark, Mrs. Carolyn Graham, Mrs. Leanne Duteau.

Standing back row from left:  Mrs. Updesh Cheema, Mrs. Janice Carnell, Mrs. Lorraine Lloyd, Miss Thibadoux, Miss Susan Pye, Mrs. Miriam Coughlan, Mrs. Coleen Smith, Mr. Mike Ward.

Palsson School 1996 - 1997 Staff Photo

Palsson School.1996-1997.Staff.jpg
Palsson School.1996-1997.Grade 2.Mrs. As

Palsson School 1996 - 1997 Grade 2

Teacher: Mrs Astrid Notte (formerly Clarke)

Palsson School 2000-2001 Grades 2 & 3

Teacher: Mrs. Astrid Notte (formerly Clarke)

Palsson School.2000-2001.Grades 2 & 3.Mr
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